Have you ever heard of National Engineeers Week? If so, are you an educator looking for resources to particiate in National Engineeers Week? The National Association of Professional Engineers has developed a robust program for celebrating all year long, but particularly during National Engineers Week. Check out the website:
https://discovere.org/ for lesson plans, videos, suggestions for activities to do with your students. There are also videos that will help you with techniques to explain STEM concepts to your students. It will also give you ideas for getting mentors to speak with your classes during the EWeek celebration. These resources are free or low cost to you. Another idea is to contact local chapters of engineering societies- these maybe engineers in your local community that can participate with your students. Also, check out local universities engineering departments- engineering students can be the most enthusiastic mentors for your students. In summary- these resources are designed to make your job easier, with people who are interested in engaging and inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals.