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AMA Scholarship Program

AMA Scholarship Program

About the Organization

The amount and number of scholarships awarded each year by the AMA depends upon the number of applicants and their qualifications. Endowments and scholarships for graduating high school seniors are distributed in various amounts on the basis of AMA modeling activities, scholastic and citizenship achievement. All applications are considered and evaluated by the AMA Scholarship Committee that makes a recommendation to the Executive Council, the AMA’s Board of Directors.

About Scholarships

The Academy of Model Aeronautics scholarship program awards scholarships to graduating high school seniors based on their involvement in AMA modeling activities, academic achievements, and citizenship. The number and amount of scholarships given each year depend on the qualifications of applicants. All applications are carefully reviewed and evaluated by the AMA Scholarship Committee, which then makes recommendations to the Executive Council, the AMA's Board of Directors. Thank you for considering this scholarship opportunity.


Dee Howard International Education Foundation

Rural STEM Initiative

  • Benefit from involvement with top educators and scientists!
  • Participate in a national dialogue with rural school peers!
  • Contribute to the structure and implementation of STEM programming
  • Collaboration!
  • Bring unlimited possibilities to bright young lives through learning!