Charitable Donation
As of April 2024
2013 to Present
Starting in 2013, Dee Howard’s family, joined in 2022 by Dee Howard International Education Foundation (DHEDF) as custodian of Dee’s Memorabilia, launched a program of donations of Dee Howard Memorabilia and other charitable gifts in support of Pre-K thru 12 STEM Education and to preserve the history of aviation in San Antonio. The gifts made and the programs launched to date are set out in the "Summary of donations of Dee Howard Memorabilia…" below.
DHEDF launched the DHEDF Georgia Howard Culinary Arts Initiative and made in kind gifts of automotive and aviation memorabilia to the following school districts in the San Antonio Area:
- North East ISD (NEISD) - Southwest ISD (SWISD) - Judson ISD
Incorporated Dee Howard International Education Foundation (DHEDF) as a Texas non-profit and obtained 501C (3) status from the IRS.
Established Dee Howard International Education Fund at the San Antonio Area Foundation (SAAFDN)
The Dee Howard Foundation received its 501C (3) status from the IRS.
Incorporated The Dee Howard Foundation (DHF) as a Texas non-profit.

Established the San Antonio Aviation and Aerospace Hall of Fame Annual Awards Dinner
Organized a one-day aviation career program in the Valero Hangar at San Antonio International Airport (SAT) in collaboration with Valero Energy and other collaborating organizations for 110 Title One middle school students.
Launched relationship with the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) College of Engineering (now known as the UTSA Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design) in support of the development of aerospace engineering programs at UTSA and in support of First-Generation students. For further details see "In kind donations…" below.

(top) The production line at Howard Aero, Inc.
(left) The early days at Howard Aero, Inc. the aircraft is on the ramp at San Antonio Airport (now San Antonio International Airport) Dee is knelling in the middle with the baseball cap on and Ed Swearingen is knelling to the right as you are looking at the photo;

- Records related to Dee’s patents, Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs),and Type Certificates (TCs),
- Videos; magazines; newspaper articles; scanned & original photos,
- Records related to Dee’s aviation and automotive companies; and other items from the Dee Howard Memorabilia Collection related to San Antonio’s aviation history.

Dee Howard Memorabilia on display at UTSA Kleese College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Donation by Wayne & Julie Fagan to UTSA Klesse College.
In kind donations of Dee Howard Memorabilia to UTSA Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design and its predecessor entities
Aug 2020 – The Dee Howard Foundation established the Dee Howard Foundation Endowed Scholarship at UTSA primarily focused on First Generation Students
2023 to Present – In kind donation by Dee Howard’s family and Dee Howard International Education Foundation of the following items from the Dee Howard Memorabilia Collection:
- ”LBJ Images of a Vibrant Life”;
- “An Illustrated History of Inventions from The Wheel to the Computer”;
- Photo of LBJ with an inscription from LBJ to Dee;
- “Flight” as reported by the NY Times. The book was published in 1977 and is a compilation of NY Times articles on Flight from 1909–1976, 279 pages of photos of the original article published in the NY Times;
- January 2024 – Model of the Dee Howard BAC 1-11 2400 aircraft and other Dee Howard Memorabilia; Read more
- First donations of Dee Howard Memorabilia by the Dee Howard Family to UTSA College of Engineering on display in a glass case outside of the Dean’s office at UTSA Klesse College (see inset photo).

Donation by Wayne & Julie Fagan to UTSA Klesse College.

Subsequent to the time this display case photo was taken, additional gifts were made of a book written by Rolls Royce telling the story of the BAC 1-11 project and a photo of LBJ with a personal inscription by LBJ to Dee.

Painting by Mel Brown on display at SAT.

BAC 1-11 TAY 2400
In kind donations of Dee Howard Memorabilia to San Antonio International Airport (SAT)
- Model of Howard 500 and other aviation art. Read the article
- While Dee was still alive, he donated the wings off the Dee Howard BAC 1-11 Tay 2400 aircraft to be used to create a sculpture to be displayed at SAT, that sculpture became what is known as the “Day Star Archway”. Read the article
- Dee also allowed SAT to use the fuselage of the BAC 1-11 (which was the aircraft the model of which is on display at UTSA Klesse College and a photo of which is attached) for training of the fire and police departments at SAT.
Additional gifts to SAT
- While Dee was still alive, he donated the wings off the Dee Howard BAC 1-11 Tay 2400 aircraft to be used to create a sculpture to be displayed at SAT, that sculpture became what is known as the “Day Star Archway” Read the article
- Dee also allowed SAT to use the fuselage of the BAC 1-11 (the model of which is on display at UTSA Klesse College and a photo of which is above) for training of the fire and police departments at SAT;
- Painting by Mel Brown of early days at Stinson Field - by Dee’s Family and DHEDF to SAT in 2022
- Donated by Dee’s family and DHEDF in 2022 to SAT- framed miscelleaneous aviation prints -one of which is attached on display at SAT

Aviation print on display at SAT.
Summary of donations of Dee Howard Memorabilia to other entities
The Viet Nam POW Museum at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, TX;
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) archive collection
- Photo of Slick Airways aircraft at “Alamo Field” now known as San Antonio International Airport
Read more - Collage of early photos of the Wright Brothers and several other pieces of memorabilia
The following San Antonio area school districts:
- North East ISD (NEISD) - Southwest ISD (SWISD) - Judson ISD